Co-labhairt Eilthireachd nan Eilean Siar
Outer Hebrides Emigration Conference
When: Thursday 2 October 2025 (see separate event listings for Day 1 & Day 2)
Where: In-person only for day 3
Venue: Various field trips across Isle of Lewis
Hosted by: Museum & Tasglann nan Eilean
Theme: Emigration is an important aspect of the islands’ history as it affected demographics and split families across the globe through the 1700-1900s. People left the islands for a number of reasons, whether through forced clearance, in hope of improving their economic prospects or to join family members who had emigrated previously. Field trips will give delegates an opportunity to visit memorials related to Hebridean emigration and local Historical Societies, who hold records related to emigration.
In-person delegates: Daily Fee £24 incl VAT | Full Conference Fee £60 incl VAT
(Full conference includes two days of conference plus field trip on Day 3, tea, coffee and lunch on each of the three days, one evening reception, as well as access to recordings and to the emigration exhibition)
On-line delegates: Daily Fee £12 incl VAT
(includes two days of conference proceedings and access to recordings)
* Early Bird Discount of 10% available until 31 March *
Field Trip Day 3
Delegates will get the opportunity to select one field trip. This element is in partnership with Outer Hebrides Heritage Forum members.
- Ness & West Side (full day)
Ness Historical Society, Carloway Historical Society & Gearrannan Blackhouse Village
2. Kinloch & Pairc (full day)
Bonnie Prince Charlie Monument, Pairc Land Raiders Memorial, Ravenspoint Museum & Kinloch Museum
3. Point, Gress & Stornoway (half day)
Gress Land Raiders Memorial / Back Historical Society, Aignish Land Raiders Memorial / Point Historical Society & Stornoway Historical Society
Travel & Accommodation
Please note that delegates attending in person are responsible for booking their own travel and accommodation. We strongly advise delegates to book travel & accommodation as far in advance as possible. Please see main page for suggestions.
Conference Booking
Early booking is advised. To reserve your place click here to go the booking page.
Refunds Policy
If you cancel before 31/7/25 you will receive a 50% refund. Any cancellations made after this date will not be eligible for a refund.
We gratefully acknowledge funding support from Museums Galleries Scotland, Crown Estates & Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, and the venue sponsorship from Together Travel. We would also like to acknowledge the support of the local historical societies who are hosting the field trips on Day 3.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us.
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