Outer Hebrides Heritage Services
Our services are part of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar the local authority for the Outer Hebrides (also referred to as the Western Isles) and comprise:
- Outer Hebrides Archaeology Service – protecting and documenting the historic environment throughout the Outer Hebrides;
- Museum nan Eilean – two accredited museums located in the islands of Lewis and Benbecula both with changing exhibitions;
- Tasglann nan Eilean – the archive service – collecting, preserving and opening up archives relevant to the Outer Hebrides
Our collections are held in trust for the whole community to enjoy now and in the future, so whether you want to visit, research or simply find out more thigibh a-steach – come in, and explore all that’s on offer.

The heritage of the Outer Hebrides
This includes:
- Tangible collections of museum artefacts and archives;
- Intangible cultural heritage – stories, traditions and genealogy often passed down as part of the oral tradition and intrinsically connected with the Gaelic language;
- The historic environment: sites and monuments throughout the Outer Hebrides.
Our remit
- To collect, preserve, document and provide access to collections through exhibitions, activities and research;
- To enable local communities, visitors and researchers to engage with collections, including those on loan from national bodies;
- To curate, manage and protect the historic environment to ensure it survives for future generations;
- To provide opportunities for people to research and enjoy the collections, whether it be for academic study, local and family history interests, inspiration for the creative industries or school and education projects;
- To support community heritage organisations throughout the islands (the comainn eachdraidh) through skills sharing and advice.