Miscellaneous Gifts and Deposits

Additional collections held as gifts and deposits

Clicking on a link will open the catalogue for the relevant collection in our database.

These include:

  • Am Pàipear community newspaper archive 1976-
  • Eilean an Fhraoich magazines 1951-1981
  • Eye Cemetery lairs allocation register c.1900-c.1910 [digitised – see Digitised Volumes]
  • Hebridean Weaving Project 1992-1993, focussed on the weaving practices of Marion Campbell BEM (1909-1996), Plocrapol, Isle of Harris
  • Muinntir nan Gearranan (People of Gearranan) Oral History Project 2017-2018
  • ‘Muirneag’ blueprints by Harold A. Underhill c.1947
  • Pròiseact nan Ealan 1990-2015
  • Stornoway Fishing Museum 1960-1989
  • Western Isles Community Education project (Bernard van Leer Foundation) 1980-1997

If you wish to use any of these collections for research please contact the archive service.

Please see this page for an overview of all the archive collections.

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