This is a place to showcase and celebrate the intangible Gaelic culture of the Outer Hebrides.
- A Pheigi a Ghràidh (Peggy my love) sung by Seonaidh MacIntyre. Song written by Ruaraidh Campbell (Ròidseag) from South Uist. Topic: Seaman on his way to Australia leaving his beloved in Uist
- A Ribhinn Òg Bheil Cuimhn’ Agad (young lass do you remember) sung by Chloe Steele. Song written by Ailig Iain MacDhòmhnaill from Lewis. Topic: Seaman setting sail and writing to his beloved back home
- Òran a’ Pholitician (Song of ‘The Politician‘) sung by Seonaidh MacIntyre. Song written by Ruaraidh Campbell (Ròidseag) from South Uist. Topic: On 2 Feb 1941 the SS Politician struck rocks near Eriskay, enroute from Liverpool to Jamaica. She had more than 20,000 bottles of whisky on board.
- Pipe tunes by Seonaidh MacIntyre. Seudan a’ Chuain (jewels of the sea), the Seagull and the Curlew all tying into a theme of heritage of the sea.
English & Gaelic
- Online ceilidh from December 2020 on the theme of maritime