Storytelling & Lectures
This is a place to showcase and celebrate the Outer Hebrides and create inspiring connections between our collections, local intangible culture and people – in both Gaelic and English. There is a mix of audio files and videos.
- Gille-brìghde air innse le Shona NicGilleFhaolain
- An Dotair Ban air innse le Shona NicGilleFhaolain
- Mac an t-Srònaich air innse le Domhnall Saunders
- An Sgeulachd Trì-fhillte
- Sgeulachd Ruairidh an Tartair – An Spùinneadair. Sgeulachd à Barraigh.
- Mar a chaidh Baghasdal is Cille Pheadair a’ sgaradh le ròn. Sgeulachd à Uibhist a Deas.
- Aithneachadh agus Cleachdadh Feamainn. Òraid le Ruairidh MacIllEathain
- Na dh’innseas sgeulachdan os-nàdarra mu maraichean. Òraid le Dr Dòmhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart
English Stories & Lectures
- Mac an t-Srònaich – told by Domhnall Saunders
- The Ghost Funeral – told by Caitriona MacCuish
- An Dotair Ban – told by Shona MacLellan
- The Oystercatcher – told by Shona MacLellan
- The White Cow of Callanish – told by Vicky Sheppard
- ‘Roderick the Turbulent MacNeil – The Pirate’. Traditional tale from Barra.
- ‘The Very Life of It’ talk by Blake Milteer on the link between the disruption of 1843 and development of photography. Linked to a touring exhibition from the National Galleries of Scotland and the National Library of Scotland.
- ‘Free at Last’ talk by Rev Nigel Anderson on the history of the Disruption between the Free Church of Scotland and the Church of Scotland.
- ‘The Vikings as Navigators: Here sails the sea-brave’. Talk by Professor Donna Heddle
- ‘Hebrideans in the Viking Sagas’. Talk by Dr Andrew Jennings