

Archive Service

Tasglann nan Eilean is the archive service of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, the local authority which covers the Outer Hebrides. Our role is to collect, preserve and provide access to the archive collections in our care.

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Archive Museum

Depositing or Gifting Collections

Advice about depositing or gifting collections or objects to Outer Hebrides archive or museum service

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Archaeology Archive Museum

Education and Schools

Bring Curriculum for Excellence to life with the help of Museum & Tasglann nan Eilean collections and exhibitions. Either through class visits to the museum and archive, loan boxes or our online education resources.

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Archive Museum


If you are doing research on any aspect of the history of the Outer Hebrides we may have sources that could help.

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Archive Museum

Families & Young People

Museum and Tasglann nan Eilean welcomes families and young people to visit us. We also have a range of online activities which can be done at home.

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Archaeology Archive Museum

Heritage Advice and Support

Advice and support from the Outer Hebrides Heritage Services and links to external support from other agencies for community heritage groups

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Archaeology Archive Museum

Heritage Policies

Outer Hebrides Heritage Services have a number of policies which define the standards we aspire to and provide a governance framework for all the public services that we deliver.

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Archive Museum

Image Licensing

If you would like to enquire about using a photograph or image from our museum or archive collections, please complete an Image Licensing Form.

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Archaeology Archive Museum
Archive Museum Media Enquiry Genealogy

Media Enquiries

For all media enquiries, press images and filming requests please contact us giving plenty of notice.

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Archaeology Archive Museum


We can deliver workshops to organisations in their own venues – for examples schools, care homes, community groups, comainn eachdraidh when staff resources allow.

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