Tha cruinneachaidhean sa mhuseum a tha a’ gabhail a-steach buinn, èideadh, litrichean agus nithean pearsanta bhon Chogadh Boer agus a’ Chiad is an Dàrna Cogadh Mòr. Gu sònraichte cudromach tha na cruinneachaidhean co-cheangailte ri Mòr-thubaist na h-Iolaire air 1 Faoilleach 1919 agus gheibh thu tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mun mhòr-chùis mhulaid ann an seo. Tha mòran stuth cudromach ann an Cruinneachadh Gibson co-cheangailte ri WW1 mun t-strì air a’ bhlàr cho math ris an t-suidheachadh aig an Dachaigh.
Tha cuideachd nithean nas fhaisge air an là an-diugh ann co-cheangailte ri Raon Innse Gall Ministrealachd Dìon na RA ann an Uibhist a Deas.
Dèan clioc air na h-ìomhaighean gu h-ìosal gus a dhol tron ghaileiridh ìomhaighean againn:
An Cogadh Mòr
Mòr-thubaist na h-Iolaire
‘Throwing Line’ – design by Arthur Watson for the Iolaire memorial at Holm, LewisCommemorative poppy pin.Engine plate and bell retrieved from the wreck of the Iolaire.Lifebelt used on the IolaireLetter to Iolaire Disaster Fund trusteed from Alexander A. Stewart
An Dàrna Cogadh Mòr
WW2 ration book. Credit John Maclean PhotographyWW2 ration book. Credit John Maclean PhotographyWW2 Poison bottle and field dressing. Credit John Maclean WW2 air raid siren. Credit John Maclean WW2 air raid siren, crated. Credit John Maclean WW2 air raid siren instructions. Credit John MacleanWW2 Minesweeper magazine. Credit John Maclean WW2 Merchant navy magazine. Cedit John Maclean
An là an-diugh
Starburst missile (inert) used at the MOD missile test site in South UistStarburst missile (inert) used at the MOD missile test site in South UistStarburst missile (inert) used at the MOD missile test site in South UistStarburst missile (inert) used at the MOD missile test site in South UistStarburst missile (inert) used at the MOD missile test site in South UistCorgi toy. Model of corporate missile & missile launcher
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